SOL – 741 Hz – physically cleanses the body from all types of toxins.FA – 639 Hz – strengthens relationships, family, and community unity.

The Solfeggio Frequencies are a series of 6 electromagnetic musical tones that the Gregorian Monks were said to use when they chanted in meditation. One of these catalysts is known as the Solfeggio Frequencies. While the best way to experience high vibration states such as love and bliss is to stop identifying and attaching to thoughts and emotions, there are helpful catalysts out there which help to center your energy.

Ironically, condemning these emotions actually generates more fear and resistance within the psyche, which further solidifies a “low vibrational” state of being. Unfortunately, many new age writers use the term “low vibration” to condemn and therefore spiritually bypass emotions such as anger or grief. It’s important here to remember that there’s nothing wrong with feeling any type of emotion, including uncomfortable ones. On the other hand, when we stop identifying with these emotions and instead see them simply as energy fluctuating within us, we begin to experience “high vibration” states such as love, peace, gratitude, creativity, and self-fulfillment. When we identify with emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, guilt, paranoia, and self-loathing, we actually lower our vibration.